Other oral care

Support tooth brushing and interdental cleaning with fresh breath and a healthy tongue

Boost overall oral health by taking care of the entire mouth

Flexible tongue scraper cleans your tongue, removes bacteria and freshens breath

Tongue Cleaners

A flexible, durable and aesthetically pleasing tool for quick and easy removal of bacteria and malodour from the tongue. Balance bacteria and freshen breath whenever wherever, particularly after sickness and infections of the mouth and throat.


Young man and woman in beanie hat wearing sunglasses and smiling on a snowy Swiss mountain

Do you think there are more bacteria in our body or more of our own cells?

Would you believe us if we told you it was the former? More than 700 species of bacteria have been found in humans, but there’s no need to panic! Most of these bacteria help keep our mouths and bodies healthy, though some can cause all sorts of problems.

A common misconception is that we must rid ourselves of all bacteria, but if we allowed this to happen, there would be all kinds of problems. We would likely be malnourished and there wouldn’t be much to defend us against non-bacterial infections – without them, it’s unlikely we’d even survive for very long! This is why we must focus on preserving the balance between the good and the bad bacteria within the mouth, which we can do by – yep, you guessed it! – maintaining good dental hygiene.